Public Relations’ Workshop and Profession Certification
Public Relations’ Workshop and Profession Certification
Public Relations’ Workshop and Profession Certification has been held on March 5th and 6th, 2020 in the Manterawu Meeting Room of Faculty of Communication and Business Building, Telkom Univesity Bandung.
Ade Irma Susanty, Ph.D as the Dean of Faculty of Communication and Business attended the event to give some greetings and also to sign the MOA with the Indonesia Public Relations Profession Certification or LSPPRI.
This public event had two types of workshop and certification, the junior and strategic ones. The programs that could be participated by the participants, which were Corporate Social Responsibility and Media Relation Workshop, Technical Guidance on Public Relations Competency Certification, and also Public Relations Competency Assessment and Test. Other than that, the participants also got the workshop and Profession Certification National Institution or BNSP.