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School of Communication & Social Sciences

Producing intellectual products and innovations in the fields of Communication and Social Sciences by 2028 which contribute to the nation's progress and sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals)

School of Communication & Social Sciences





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Broadcast Movie Project 2025: A Showcase of Creativity by Digital Content Broadcasting Students at Telkom University

Broadcast Movie Project 2025: A Showcase of Creativity by Digital Content Broadcasting Students at Telkom University

Bandung, January 14, 2025 – The Digital Content Broadcasting Program at Telkom University successfully held the Broadcast Movie Project 2025 on January 10, 2025. This lively event took place at the Bandung Creative Hub, showcasing the best works of the 2022 cohort from the Documentary Film Production course. This event served as a platform to […]

FKS Telkom University and West Java KPID Officially Establish Collaboration

FKS Telkom University and West Java KPID Officially Establish Collaboration

Bandung, 20 December 2024 – The Faculty of Communication and Social Sciences (FKS) at Telkom University has signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Regional Broadcasting Commission (KPID) of West Java Province. This partnership aims to support the development of education, research, and community service in broadcasting, including student training in media regulations and […]

School of Communication and Social Sciences Telkom University Public Lecture: Challenges for Communication Science Graduates Towards Golden Indonesia

School of Communication and Social Sciences Telkom University Public Lecture: Challenges for Communication Science Graduates Towards Golden Indonesia

Bandung, December 13, 2024 – The School of Communication and Social Sciences at Telkom University successfully held a public lecture themed “Challenges for Communication Science Graduates Towards Golden Indonesia.” The event, attended by 35 Master’s in Communication Science students, featured Dr. Drs. Herman Suryatman, M.Si., Secretary of West Java Province, as the keynote speaker. Dr. […]


School of Communication and Social Sciences

The Faculty of Communication and Business is determined to be a research and entrepreneurial faculty, which is expected to produce graduates who have global competitiveness, are able to create a research culture in the fields of communication and business with an international standard cross-cultural academic atmosphere, and produce innovative products that are useful in improving the quality of life of the community and support national economic development through the development of an entrepreneurial culture.

With the acquisition of national A accreditation from BAN PT in 2017 and international accreditation through the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges & Universities in 2018, this has become a strong foundation for the Faculty of Communication and Business to be able to play an active role on an international scale.

Ade Irma Susanty, Ph.D.

Dean School of Communication and Social Sciences


School of Communication and Social Sciences

Dr. Freddy Yusanto

Vice Dean I

Ade Irma Susanty, Ph.D


Ayub Ilfandy Imran, Ph.D.

Vice Dean II

Undergraduate Programs

Digital Public Relations

Digital Public Relations is one of the undergraduate study programs in the academic environment of the School of Communication and Social Sciences, Telkom University, which was officially established in 2017. Currently, the Digital Public Relations has an Unggul accreditation by BAN-PT. This study program focuses on public relations and digital adaptation, such as brand building, or digital public persuasion through web-based media and building it through electronic and print media.

Communication Studies

Communication Science Study Program at Telkom University has been accredited as Unggul by BAN PT and accredited as Premier by International Accreditation (ASIC). It was established in 2008 with two concentrations, Marketing Communication and Broadcasting. In its development, in 2020, the Communication Science Study Program made curriculum changes that focused on the interests of Digital Marketing Communication (Marcomm) and Digital Media.

Digital Content Broadcasting

Digital Content Broadcasting Study Program is one of the study programs at Telkom University which is under the School of Communication and Social Sciences which accredited as Baik by BAN-PT. Digital Content Broadcasting Study Program has a scientific foundation that can cover the realm of audio-visual media production in digital platforms so that it can produce graduates who have competencies that are in accordance with the needs of partners.

Master of Communication Studies

Master of Communication Science is a Master’s Program in the School of Communication and Social Sciences which accredited as Baik by BAN-PT. The advantage of the Master of Communication Science Study Program at Telkom University is that it is able to produce graduates who are ready to face challenges and opportunities in the digital era that focus on fields of study that are divided into two different concentrations from similar study programs, namely Digital Communication Management and Digital Media & Culture

Student Activities


School of Communication and Social Sciences



Bethary Estetika Campaign Management Supervisor [Bukalapak]

Semua ilmu yang didapat saat berkuliah ini sangat bermanfaat. Tergantung bagaimana kita menempatkan sesuai porsinya. Karena dalam dunia kerja, kita harus mampu mengulik lebih dalam tentang apa yang dikerjakan, banyak tantangan yang kadang tidak terduga dan diri kita dipaksa untuk mampu menghadapi atau mengatasinya sendiri. Tanpa sadar itu adalah hal baru yang harus mampu kita pahami bukan hanya dengan teori tapi bagaimana pengambilan keputusan yang tepat. Bagi saya bukan seberapa pintar selama kuliah, seberapa tinggi nilai IPK, atau seberapa aktif dalam berogranisasi tapi hal terpenting adalah memiliki komitmen untuk terus mengembangkan diri dalam hal apapun dengan cara masing-masing, dan hepi menjalaninya, maka dengan sendirinya baik secara knowledge maupun self development akan terbangun secara bersamaan dengan baik. Ingat, tidak ada istilah salah jurusan, lalu menjadi malas. Tapi jadikan kuliah sebagai kesempatan untuk tau hal barudann jadikan sebagai peluang positif. Percayalah, kalian hebat dengan cara masing-masing! Banggalah.

Ridho Robby Motion Graphic Designer [Trans 7]

Saya Ridho Robby, Mahasiswa  Ilmu Komunikasi angkatan 2011. Saat ini saya bekerja di Trans 7 sebagai Motion Graphic Designer. Selama kuliah, organisasi kampus sangat bermanfaat di dunia kerja karena melatih kerja tim dengan banyak kepala. Selain itu, materi perkuliahan juga sangat bermanfaat dan mendekati dengan dunia kerja. Semoga kedepannya Ilmu Komunikasi -  Telkom University bisa menambah jadwal kuliah praktek agar semakin terbiasa dengan dunia kerja yang akan dihadapi nanti.
