Rector and Vice Rector I Roadshow: “Independent Campus, Independence in Learning”
Rector and Vice Rector I Roadshow: “Independent Campus, Independence in Learning” This event was held in the Meeting Room of Manterawu Building, Faculty of Communication and Business, Telkom University on March 11th 2020 at 09.00 AM to 12.00 PM. The event that was attended by all of the academicians in Faculty of Communication Business […]
Public Relations’ Community Service
Public Relations’ Community Service Digital Public Relations Program Study of Telkom University held a community service event called “Public Speaking to Improve the Quality of Human Resources in the Cimahi MSME Community Workshop” that was located in Cimahi Technopark, on March 5th 2020.
Public Relations’ Workshop and Profession Certification
Public Relations’ Workshop and Profession Certification Public Relations’ Workshop and Profession Certification has been held on March 5th and 6th, 2020 in the Manterawu Meeting Room of Faculty of Communication and Business Building, Telkom Univesity Bandung. Ade Irma Susanty, Ph.D as the Dean of Faculty of Communication and Business attended the event to give […]