News | School of Communications and Business



BRI x Google Hackathon: Congratulations to the 3rd Winner of Startup Competition, “Ketringan”!

BRI x Google Hackathon: Congratulations to the 3rd Winner of Startup Competition, “Ketringan”!   KETRINGAN (KETering RINGAN), that means a light catering, is one of startups mentored by Telkom University that won the 3rd place in the BRI x Google Hackathon Competition in Bandung, 2020. This competition was aimed to support the collaboration of startups […]


BRI x Google Cloud Hackathon: Congratulations to Communication Science Students!

BRI x Google Cloud Hackathon: Congratulations to Communication Science Students!   Congratulations and best wishes to these two Communication Science Students, Rabama and Rafi (in the middle on photo)! They are members of the startup Riung UMKM (Small and Medium Micro Businesses) that successfully reached the top 20 in the BRI x Google Cloud Hackathon. […]

By SCBNews | News

Pertemuan Membahas Rencana Kerjasama antara University College Sedaya Intenational (UCSI) Malaysia dan Fakultas Komunikasi & Bisnis Telkom University

Pertemuan Membahas Rencana Kerjasama antara University College Sedaya Intenational (UCSI) Malaysia dan Fakultas Komunikasi & Bisnis Telkom University Jumat, 20 Desember 2019.- Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis (FKB) Universitas Telkom mengadakan pertemuan dengan UCSI University Malaysia yang dilaksanakan di Ruang Rapat Dekan Gedung Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis Universitas Telkom lantai 2. Pertemuan tersebut membahas perjanjian kerjasama […]