Achieving Glorious Accolades: Telkom University’s Faculty of Communication and Business Earns Most-Indexed National Journal Award in 2023
Achieving Glorious Accolades: Telkom University’s Faculty of Communication and Business Earns Most-Indexed National Journal Award in 2023 By: Office of the Dean Date: August 19, 2023 In a historic milestone that will be remembered throughout its academic journey, Telkom University’s Faculty of Communication and Business has carved out an impressive achievement by receiving an award […]
Counseling about the Application of Marketing Mix in the Network through Social Media to Build Customer Relationships on Young Entrepreneur Cadre HABIM in Bandung
Marketing currently experiencing a fluctuating increase in creating value for customers and building close relationships with customers caused to create customer profits and equity. Customers can form expectations for producers about the value and satisfaction that will be given in the world of market offerings and it is certain that customers will be able to […]
Penggunaan Story Telling untuk Menyampaikan Program Kecamatan pada Masyarakat
Pada tanggal 20 Mei 2019, Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi dari Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis mengadakan Pengabdian Masyarakat bagi Karyawan Kecamatan Bandung Kidul. Pelatihan ini diberikan berdasarkan diskusi bersama Kepala Kecamatan Bapak Evi Hendarin, M.IP mengenai Fungsi utama pemerintah daerah adalah penyediaan pelayanan publik bagi masyarakat daerah bersangkutan. Oleh sebab itu optimalisasi pelayanan publik yang efisien dan […]