Digital Public Relations Students Won the 2nd Place in Millennial Fact Checker Oversees the Regional Head Elections 2020
Digital Public Relations Students Won the 2nd Place in Millennial Fact Checker Oversees the Regional Head Elections 2020
Congratulations to the Team of “Millennial Fact Checker Oversees the Regional Head Elections 2020” from Digital Public Relations Study Program, Faculty of Communication and Business Telkom University that won the second place in that competition, which took place in Block71, Dago, Bandung since Saturday morning, February 22th, 2020. The fact checker team consisted of digital public relations students, Michael Fabian, Hashim Thachi, and Alengga Desra.
Participants of the competition were from 12 different tertiary institutions in Bandung. The fact-checking competition organized by the Indonesian Anti-Defamation Society (Mafindo), was also marked by the declaration of the establishment of a fact-checking commissioner at 12 tertiary institutions in Bandung.
Thank you to the lecturer of digital public relations, Drs. Hadi Purnama, M.Si that has been tutoring students involved in that competition.