Grand Seminar: 99 Seconds to be an Online Entrepreneur
Grand Seminar: 99 Seconds to be an Online Entrepreneur
“99 Seconds to be an Online Entrepreneur” is a grand seminar that was held by Sejuta Pengusaha (Million Entrepreneurs) and Telkom University. It was a seminar about how to get 3 million rupiah in 3 weeks, only from the gadget, no need to have the knowledge about digital marketing, and you can do it even if your class schedule is tight. This event was held on Wednesday, February 12th 2020 at 07.30 AM until around 12.00 PM in Auditorium of Intata Building, Faculty of Communication and Business which is located on the 5th floor. The dean of the Faculty of Communication and Business, Ade Irma Susanty, Ph.D attended and also gave some greetings to the participants.
There were two speakers from Telkom University, Jeffry Hasibuan, S.E., M.M (Vice Dean 2) and Syahputra, Ph. D (Head of Business Administration Study Program), and also two guest speakers. The first guest speaker was Jafrian Isman, Founder of Sejuta Pengusaha (Million Entrepreneurs) and Mulai Digital (Start Digital). The second speaker was Andika Kusumah, Founder of Sejuta Pengusaha (Million Entrepreneurs) and Mulai Jualan (Start Selling), Book Writer, and also an Online Business Trainer. The intended participants of the seminar were not only people from business administration study program, but also people from other study programs in Telkom University. There was also a talk show presenting business administration students that are already entrepreneurs.
The aim of this grand seminar was to develop the mindset of entrepreneurship, bring up new entrepreneurs, give rise to reliable research regarding entrepreneurship, and also to introduce the way on how to sell or market the product through the online world.
As a program study that focuses on the business field in this global era, it has been a necessity for a university to make such strong and well-educated entrepreneurs, researchers, and other people in the field of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship training is one of the three scopes that is held by the Research Center of Entrepreneurship Development. Therefore, Business Administration Program Study held this grand seminar as the entrepreneurship training.