Idea Fest Part of Urban Village Sandyakala
Bandung, January 4th, 2023 –

Students of Marketing Communication at Telkom University Bandung once again organized the Idea Fest Part of Urban Village Sandyakala. This event is part of the Urban Village Sandyakala series held on January 4th, 2024, at the FKB Building Auditorium, Telkom University, Bandung.

The Idea Fest Part of Urban Village Sandyakala focused on the theme of branding Bandung according to its respective potentials. This theme was chosen because Bandung is one of the major cities in Indonesia with significant potential. It began with a welcoming address from Dr. Ade Irma Susanti, Ph.D., the Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Business. In her speech, she urged the 2021 Marketing Communication students to approach this Idea Fest with full dedication, not merely to fulfill assignment requirements but to give their best efforts for their respective cities.

Next, there was a presentation from the Bandung City Culture and Tourism Office, delivered by Mr. Faisal Tachir, S.Sos, M.AP, representing Disbudpar. He conveyed that Bandung is a city with great potential, comprising diverse traditional cultures, available tourist attractions, and distinctive cuisine well-known throughout Indonesia. Additionally, Mr. Faisal expressed pride in the 2021 Marketing Communication students of Telkom University, as many students from outside Bandung contributed their creative ideas to make the Idea Fest successful in branding Bandung.

The opening presentation was delivered by the organizing committee of the 2023/2024 Idea Fest, introducing the theme of Urban Village Sandyakala, signifying the red strokes in the twilight sky, envisioned to be a comfortable and serene place within the city of Bandung. Furthermore, three main points were emphasized: spirit, collaboration, and action, packaged through enthusiasm for collaboration and action to achieve common goals, demonstrated by all the 2021 marketing communication classes in branding Bandung.
Subsequently, presentations were made on the potentials of various aspects of Bandung. Majangdara, representing the traditional cultural city, introduced the benjang mask dance. This was followed by a presentation on the potential of Loja Bandung, representing the city’s MSMEs-driven rapid economic growth. Then, Serenade, known as a cultural city, showcased photography art along Jl. Braga. Following this, Ageung, as a metropolitan city, highlighted Bandung’s rapid growth, exemplified by the introduction of Whoosh, a high-speed train transportation system, and other significant developments.
Other potentials were also presented, such as Bandung Ngamumule, promoting the city as a music hub, choosing the angklung icon as a traditional musical instrument of West Java for city branding. Furthermore, as Bandung itself has a rich historical background, Bandoeng Historoman highlighted events such as the Asia-Africa Conference and the Bandung Lautan Api incident. Finally, the presentation session on the city’s potentials concluded with Karasa, renowned as a culinary city, introducing Mie Kocok as one of Bandung’s signature dishes.
Following the presentations on the potentials of each class, feedback was provided by the judges. One of the notable remarks came from Mr. Nuzrul Irwan Irawan, SE, M.Si, a guest judge from the Bandung City Tourism and Culture Office. He stated, “This Idea Fest is a creative and innovative event organized by students. Each class has effectively branded their respective cities, indicating that Bandung has many potentials to be introduced nationally and internationally.”
The series of presentations and materials were effectively delivered by each class to showcase their city’s potential in contributing to Bandung’s branding efforts. The event concluded with a performance by Commusication to enliven the atmosphere, attended by the audience present at the Idea Fest part of Urban Village Sandyakala. We hope that the organization of this event serves as a testament to the spirit, collaboration, and action of the nine marketing communication classes of 2021 at Telkom University, as they endeavor to explore and introduce the potentials within the city of Bandung.
Author: Sayidina Rahma Uli Boru Tambunan
Editor: Dean’s Secretariat