On Saturday, December 11, 2021, an online studium generale for Knowledge Management course was held. This activity is a routine activity carried out every year. This time, the stadium generale was attended by all Business Administration students who took this course in semester 5. The purpose of this activity was to add insight and knowledge for student participants, as well as to complete students’ understanding of how knowledge management is managed and used in companies. This activity was initiated by the team-teaching for the Knowledge Management course, and invited speakers from outside the campus.
This year, the speaker was Mr. Seno Soemadji, MBA from Accenture, which is well known as an international consulting firm. The business focus of this company is in the field of IT services, and consulting. As we all know, in managing knowledge within the company, information technology assistance is needed. Based on that, this year’s team-teaching invited speakers from the company, to share experiences related to knowledge management with students.
This activity lasted for approximately 3 hours, which began with the presentation of the material. The students followed with great enthusiasm, and the discussion was interesting. Team teaching hopes that this activity can bring many benefits, so that students understand more about knowledge management. (AVA)
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