Master’s Program in Business Administration Completes LAMEMBA Accreditation Field Assessment
On May 6th and 7th, 2024, the Master’s Program in Business Administration successfully completed its Accreditation Field Assessment. This assessment was conducted by the Independent Accreditation Institute for Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting (LAMEMBA).

The activity was led by two experienced assessors, Prof. Dr. Kamaludin, S.E., MM, and Dr. Nur Efendi, S.Sos., M.Si. They evaluated various aspects of this program.
With this assessment, it is hoped that the Master’s Program in Business Administration can enhance the quality of education it offers. This improvement includes aspects such as teaching quality, curriculum, facilities, and human resources.
The assessment also aims to ensure that this program continues to meet the accreditation standards that have been set. Thus, the Master’s Program in Business Administration can continue to provide quality and relevant education to its students.

Hopefully, the results of this assessment will bring positive impacts and help this program produce competent graduates who are ready to compete in the workforce.