Vision & Mission | School of Communications and Business

VISIon, Mission & Goals

School of Communication & Social Sciences


Generating intellectual products and innovations in the fields of Communication Studies and Social Sciences by 2028, which contribute to national advancement and sustainable development goals.


  1. Organizing and developing world-class education in the fields of Communication Studies and Social Sciences with an entrepreneurial outlook.
  2. Developing and disseminating new knowledge and intellectual products in the fields of Communication Studies and Social Sciences that contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals.
  3. Collaborating with industry and other stakeholders in developing innovations in the fields of Communication Studies and Social Sciences that contribute to national economic growth..


  1. Producing globally competitive graduates in the social sciences with an entrepreneurial mindset.
  2. Producing transdisciplinary research that contributes to national and global needs by creating new knowledge and intellectual products to meet sustainable development goals.
  3. Producing intellectual products and innovations in the fields of Communication Studies and Social Sciences that contribute to national progress and sustainable development.