Workshop on Healthy Content: Enforcing Broadcasting Standards for Women- and Child-Friendly Programs
Bandung, November 21, 2024 – The Faculty of Communication and Social Sciences (FKS) at Telkom University, in collaboration with the West Java Regional Broadcasting Commission (KPID), successfully organized the Healthy Content Workshop under the theme “Enforcing Broadcasting Standards for Women- and Child-Friendly Programs.”
Held at Telkom University, the workshop was attended by 250 students from FKS. The event featured six distinguished speakers with expertise in broadcasting and communication:
- Dr. Adiyana Slamet, S.IP., M.Si. (Chairperson of KPID West Java),
- M. Sudama Dipawikarta, S.Sos., M.Ag. (Coordinator of Broadcasting Content Monitoring),
- Jalu P. Priambodo, S.T., M.T. (Commissioner of Broadcasting Content Monitoring),
- Haris Annisari Indah Sari, M.I.Kom. (Lecturer, Telkom University),
- Adrio Kusuma Reza, M.A, CEC., CCC. (Lecturer, Telkom University), and
- Gilang Pambudhi (Practitioner).

The speakers shared insights on ethical broadcasting practices that prioritize the protection of women and children. They also discussed the vital role of media in creating content that supports social justice and raises public awareness about protection issues.
The event provided an interactive platform for participants to engage in discussions, exploring challenges and opportunities in implementing women- and child-friendly content standards in the digital era.
FKS Telkom University hopes this workshop will help students understand the importance of responsible broadcasting and inspire them to contribute to creating better media content in the future.
This workshop exemplifies the collaboration between academia and broadcasting institutions in fostering a more inclusive and accountable media ecosystem. 🚀