ICT IKOM | School of Communications and Business


ICT IKOM TELKOM is a club in the Communication Studies program that focuses on editing, graphic design, web, and video editing. ICT IKOM has routine activities every week, namely mentoring. In the mentoring activity, ICT IKOM members share and learn together with editing software. The advantage for students by participating in ICT IKOM is that students will learn first compared to other Communication Studies students, the learning process at ICT IKOM itself is to use a sharing system with classmates and with more senior classes so that the learning carried out is not as formal as lecture activities at usually.

ICT IKOM was founded in 2012, in 2019 ICT has been able to hold visits to technology companies and TV stations, namely Gojek, Kaskus, and Studio Netmediatama. The purpose of this program is to provide ICT IKOM members with experience seeing the real world of work in the companies they visit so that ICT IKOM members can prepare themselves to develop skills according to the world of work.

Then ICT IKOM has an ICT Anniversary program, which is an event to commemorate the anniversary of ICT IKOM, which is November 10. The next program is makrab or intimacy night, the event has the aim of familiarizing all members of ICT IKOM, whether new children enter or old ones.

ICT IKOM also has the ICT HANDMADE program, which is an event that aims to showcase the works of ICT IKOM members to ICT IKOM external parties. Besides that, ICT IKOM also held computer re-installation and software installation at the event.

The next program is ICT FAREWELL, the event aims to be a farewell event to the senior generation at ICT IKOM as well as to regenerate to determine the next chairman and vice-chairman.


Activity Documentation: